Where does the time go?

I have posted so many times about the lack of time.  With the end of June coming up and no students for two months my whine about time is coming to an end.  I am excited about finding a great site called Modern Lessons that allows people to take a course on their own time on a variety of courses.  The ones that I am looking at taking are implementing ipads into the classroom, launching a BYOD program and a must have guide to education.

We will see how it goes, summer, sun and BBQ do take up a lot of time over the summer, I just don’t know if I will find the time. . . .

cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by Robert Schrader

Great thing about a PLN

Chromebooks-to-assist-an-Inclusive-ClassroomI was just recently working on an action plan for implementing chromebooks into a classroom and I wanted to examine the effectiveness that they would have for inclusive education.  I came up with the beginnings of a logo and shared it to my google+.  I got quite a few responses and made some changes.  I even had Christian Ahlin remix it to something that is quite good for an introduction to what I want to do.

Thanks for the assistance!  Ask not what you cn do for your PLN, ask what your PLN can do for you.  (Greedy but very true) Will be on the lookout to assist someone else now.  Pay it forward!

Get your Popcorn

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by jayneandd

I am reading an article by Larry Cuban titled Computers Meet Classroom; Classroom Wins.  Now I realize that hindsight is 20/20 and that you can’t shoot the messenger, but I am amazed with his statement

“the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.”

He goes on to further talk about the efficiency of textbooks being about 2 percent (not sure where he got this stat from).  I do agree with his vision and ideas whole heartedly  Watching students have to read from a textbook is painful at best, while watching students watch an educational video and allow them and yourself to pause the video and discuss it at various parts encourages conversation and makes the learning much more real than a text-book.  I am not sure if educational video’s will obtain one hundred percent efficiency (as the author claims) but they are a vast improvement from the textbook